Each year OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration) organizes the National Safety Stand-Down, a time in which construction companies across the country are asked to participate in an awareness campaign speaking directly to employees about on-the-job safety and specifically to focus on “Fall Hazards” and reinforcing the importance of “Fall Prevention.” The awareness week usually happens in May, but this year was rescheduled for the week of September 14th. Fatalities caused by falls from elevation continue to be a leading cause of death for construction employees. The Collage Companies participates in National Safety Stand-Down each year, through a variety of initiatives and learning experiences – raising awareness of preventing fall hazards in construction and reinforcing our commitment to jobsite safety.

“Collage is proud to be a Platinum Level Participant in OSHA’s National Safety Stand-Down. We place great importance on safety training and education for our employees, trade partners and craftworkers. Ongoing safety awareness is paramount, and regular safety stand-downs to discuss safety topics such as the proper use of scaffolds, ladders and harnesses are a key to our overall approach,” says: Rob Maphis, Vice President of Operations and COO, The Collage Companies.
View Collage In Action- National Safety Stand-Down